Special educational needs

Applying for Jobs
This bundle contrains lessons, handouts and activities which cover the following aspects of applying for jobs:
Career Planning and Personal Skills Reviews
Conflict Management and Coping with Setbacks
Stress Awareness
Employability Skills Workshop
Employment Letter Writing
Knowing Where to Look for Jobs

A range of lessons/resources which cover applying for jobs, what employability skills are and career planning.

Conflict Management
An array of handouts and activities designed to make adult learners consider conflict management with an employability focus.
Learners will work with the Four-Step Process of Conflict Management.
Could be adapted for staff training.

Social Skills activity where students label the facial expressions with the correct feelings.

Healthy Eating
A PowerPoint and Poster Activity Handout which features a quiz, a poster activity on healthy eating and a celebrity client advice plenary.
LO's: You will be able to describe key elements of the most important nutrients
You will be able to describe the positives of having a balanced diet
Some of you will be able to identify client’s needs and how to make a diet healthier
This was originally created for a LA Year 9 group but can be adjusted to suit other abilities and delivered over an hour.
You will need poster materials e.g. pens/paper and internet access to deliver this lesson.

Introduction to Learning Disabilities and Advocacy
This PowerPoint was designed for a full day lesson, aimed at Level 3 students.
It covers types of advocacy, active participation, definitions and causes, medical and social models of disabilities.
Lots of discovery learning, group work and activities which students can relate to real life contexts.